Imagine managing your language school without chaos.
Discover the solution that organizes everything—from teacher schedules to course purchases!
Do your students and teachers want flexible schedules? Are you struggling with communication between students and instructors?
Students can adjust lessons to fit their schedule and choose the teacher they want to meet with. They can ask questions in a dedicated chat assigned to each lesson.
Teachers can plan their classes according to their own preferences, but the administration always approves the plans, and the system automatically adjusts lesson hours.
Is joining online lessons complicated?
Thanks to integration with Zoom, joining a lesson requires just one click!
See what our system offers
Comprehensive features for your school
Students have full control over their schedule.
Wybiera z kim i kiedy ma lekcje
Integration of Odoo with Zoom, Teams, or another preferred platform for online lessons.
Online payments through platforms like
T-Pay, Stripe.
Students have a full course breakdown on their account—how many lessons they've completed and how many are still ahead!
Direct contact between student and teacher via chat.
Parents can independently set their child's lesson plan.
Teachers have their own panel where they can input their schedule and see planned lessons.
Extra applications
- CRM will help with sales
- Recruitment will streamline the process of hiring new teachers
- Website
- and many others!