Custom Development in React

Custom apps designed to match exactly what your business needs

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Dynamic Applications for Web & Mobile

Our expertise in React technology allows us to craft dynamic, responsive, and secure applications for web and mobile platforms.

We concentrate on delivering custom-designed applications that serve as strategic assets to your business, ensuring they blend seamlessly into your existing ecosystem for enhanced performance and user experience.

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Check Out Our Projects in React

Online Time Tracker

Time Tracking & Management tool


Many employees with different roles that need to be managed from one location. Everything must comply with German and Austrian labor laws.


SPA Web application for time tracking and streamlining project and employee payment management. Compatible with all devices (PC, Mobile, Tablet).


.NET Core, Azure, SQL Server, React, Ant Design

Online Work Planner

Field service management tool


Separate planning process in different branches, lack of flexibility and a need to integrate with 4 other systems.


SPA Web app, synchronized with other systems, allowing to intuitively plan work across all branches through a common and consistent processes.


.NET Core, .NET 6, Azure, SQL Server, React, Ant Design.

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